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First thing is first, project:WRESTLING will only go as far as we all make it. This means prompt results with overwhelming quality, daily updates, Role Plays, Segments, etc. When you boil it down it's basically all about PARTICIPATION. We are 100% willing to give it our all and have our work done from a results writing and site updates stand point. Please only apply if you are able to give a 100% in role playing weekly, we need role players and not dead weight.

If you do not role play for a booked match, then you will be removed from the roster, unless of course you provide a valid reason to Eric Bischoff BEFORE THE DEADLINE. We understand about real life, and try to be as respectful as possible but if you can't give us a heads up then we can't give you the benefit of the doubt. One hand washes the other, and we are extremely flexible, but you have to make the attempt. If you do no show and give Eric a heads up, then you will not seek any punishment unless it is a reoccurring theme.

Your character may be used on the weekly show/ ppvs to further a story line, or even create one. We will never use your character in attempt to discredit them in anyway. It will be for the good of the fed, and we will try to send out warnings to the handlers of the character we have an idea for. But sometimes ideas creep on you as your finishing up results and the handler(s) can't be reached, in that situation we would use the characters anyway if the idea was considered great.

Using other characters in your role plays is okay, but permission is needed. The handler needs to PM Eric Bischoff and give you permission to use his or her character. That goes for everyone on the roster that is handled. Staff members such as ring announcers, commentators, interviewers, etc are available for your role plays however only if they do not have a handler. I.E. Jeremy Borash is handled, and would need to be contacted. BUT Lillian Garcia is not handled, and therefore could be used at any point.

This is all about FUN, and the creativity that we all create. We will watch as we grow and learn. The goal is to have a strong competitive fun atmosphere. Trash talking in any game should be allowed, it messes with an opponents mind, and adds to the contest. THER IS however, a breaking point. No need to take it to a personal level, and no need to degrade anyone. All trash talking should be done IN-CHARACTER. Never insult another member of the fed personally, remember we are all on the same team. There will be a very low tolerance with this. Once we feel you have crossed the line, you will be notified there is an issue. We will give you the benefit of the doubt and give you one more chance to carry yourself in an appropriate manner. If you choose to carry on with your out of line conduct then you will be removed from the roster.

The project Championship will be defended each and every Sunday Night Showcase. The world title must be defended at least once every 15 days. We want being a champion here in project:WRESTLING to be an honor. To make it an honor, it must be a challenge. Thus the reason you must be willing to compete either every week or every other to remain a champion. If you are going on a vacation or something that will keep you out of action for a few weeks, pm Eric and you two can talk about it. If the reason is valid, we aren’t going to strip you of your gold, or make you lose. We will figure something out to keep everything moving forward.

You can role play twice for the weekly show as a singles character. If two separate handlers are in a tag team then they only get one role play per person equaling 2. If one handler handles both members of the tag team then he is allowed 2 role plays. Pay-Per-Views will allow you three role plays. If two separate handlers are in a tag team then they each get to RP twice totaling 4. If one handler handles both members of the tag team then he is allowed 3 role plays. You only get the fourth role play if you are a tag team with another handler.

You must join the forums if you would like to apply. Once you have registered, you will be required to wait until an admin member approves you. Then you will be allowed to post. You must go to the 'Contract' section on the forums and copy the 'application' sticky into a new topic. You will be accepted in a reply to your topic. The date you can start will be the date you CAN be booked, it may not be the day you actually start. It depends when the next opening is, but we will do our best to incorporate new comers almost immediately.