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Showcase Card and Results Finally Aired!
Written on Nov 9th, 2009 by Todd Grisham
It’s now official as of two o’clock this evening the results and new card for November 15, 2009 have been updated. Eric Bischoff and the HBO team had some interference with an MMA fight night, which indeed set the show back a few hours. Everything is up and ready for your eyes now!

What a show Eric Bischoff put off for you fans last night! Some crazy events happened and some new feuds are now in the made. What’s Eric Bischoff going to do with this ‘Pack Is Back’ ordeal? In more serious news, where did Jack Swagger end up? Nobody knows! Check the full card HERE

Sunday Showcase Results are posted!
Written on Nov 1st, 2009 by Jeremy Borash
Sunday Showcase Episode one, in the books! What a night November 1st, 2009 truly was. One night after Halloween, Project Wrestling was born and the table has been set for what this company plans to offer! A classic No DQ match, 8 World title tournament matches, surprise after surprise. Trust me Wrestling fans, you do not want to miss this!

CLICK HERE TO READ THEM: 11/01/2009. Sunday Showcase Results!

Randy Orton hospitalized.
Written on Nov 1st, 2009 by Jeremy Borash
Randy was rushed to a local hospital Sunday Night during the live showing of Showcase. He was reported to be released this morning with a sum of 12 stitches across his forehead and bandages around his ribs. The doctor said a couple weeks off should be all he needs before being able to step back inside the ring. "Of course he will need to return for a few more test's once the swelling subsides, but yeah I think he should be fine to compete in a couple of weeks. He is just really banged up, and the stitches will be removed in a few days. So as long as the swelling dies down and no inflammation is exposed it should be a quick recovery."

Randy was at the mercy of Abyss in a no disqualification match. Randy went through a table, got shredded by a barbed wire covered baseball bat, and choke slammed on top of a pile of smashed pieces. The legend killer was unable to get to his feet, or move at all for that matter. A medical team escorted him from the ring via stretcher right after his match concluded. We are now being told that same medical team rushed him to a near by hospital about six teen miles away.

MVP Out of action.
Written on Nov 1st, 2009 by Jeremy Borash
It seems that the attack delivered by the Monster Abyss on MVP and the security team has lead to multiple injuries. The most significant one being MVP with broken ribs. He is reportedly out of action for a minimum of six to eight weeks. No details on weather or not he will still be appearing on the weekly telecast of Sunday Showcase, but rest assured Eric has issued a warning to Abyss and the rest of the roster about vicious attacks like this.

For those who missed it, MVP was assaulted by Abyss when he called him a freak inside Eric Bischoff's office. Why either individual was there in the first place, and why Eric was not are still questions that remain unanswered. A security team then hustled on the scene but soon fell victim to the Monster. Two of the six security staff sustained injuries that require them to miss work as well, the other four are battered and bruised, but will be fine by Sunday to report to Sunday Showcase, Live on HBO this Sunday.

» NEW Showcase Card Posted!|Todd Grisham|
» Sunday Showcase Feedback!|Todd Grisham|
» Jack Swagger Missing?|Todd Grisham|
» Randy Orton hospitalized.|Jeremy Borash|
The Rock
The Rock made his main event debut at Madison Square Garden areana last night, going against Daniels. A well-known and well loved wrestler here at the project:Wrestling organization. The Rock had other plans though and that was to humiliate Daniels in an effortless win.
"The Raven will quote no more, because I am CM Punk, the Straight-Edge Saint from the Second City, and I am better than Raven and all of you." - CM Punk

_ _
Episode: 01

Venue: Staples Center
Location: LA, CA
Date: November 1st, 2009

Episode: 02

Venue: Madison Square Garden
Location: New York City
Date: November 8th, 2009

Episode: 03

Venue: Mellon Arena
Location: Pittsburgh, Pa
Date: November 15th, 2009

Episode: 04

Venue: Hampton Coliseum
Location: Hampton, Va.
Date: November 22nd, 2009

Episode: 05

Venue: Arena at Harbor Yard
Location: Bridgeport, Conn.
Date: November 29th, 2009

Episode: 06

Venue: Ford Arena
Location: Beaumont, Texas
Date: December 6th, 2009


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